Borrellezing Topicus

Sven completed his Computer Science degree in 2010 and started working as a Software Developer. Sven has been working at Topicus for more than 8 years and is currently part of Topicus KeyHub.

Topicus KeyHub is the new solution in Identity & Access Management, resulting from a new mindset about security. Sven job entails basically everything that comes with developing an application such as Topicus KeyHub; developing new features, fixing bugs, writing tests, maintaining our CI-pipeline, designing new functionality, etc.

UX and security, sitting in a tree, ... People say that customers tell 2 other people about a good experience but 8 other people about a bad experience. What if this experience concerned an activity which does not directly help with your main product? How important is a good user experience for security?

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Symposium committee 2018
Borrellezing Topicus
maandag 19 februari 2018 van 16:00 tot 22:00 iCal-link