Active members weekend

Tired of organizing? Time to be a participant for once! This year we will have a big outing with all active members again! The board will organize a weekend filled with activities and fun, to thank you for your activism. Everyone who is/has been active between 9 May 2024 and now is invited! We will be going to a holiday farm in Borger, Drenthe (yes Drenthe exists). The enrollment includes food, unlimited drinks, travel from Borger to the accommodation, stay, and a number of activities. The trip to the location is flexible. You can decide when to show up but do inform us when we'll be making an inventory.

For a taste of the vibe from last year

The price might still change but it will be around this amount!

The enrollment for this activity has not been opened yet. You can enroll from March 1, 2025, midnight until May 4, 2025, 11:59 p.m..

Who, what, where, when...

Active members weekend
Tweehek, Borger
from Friday 9 May 2025 16:00 until Sunday 11 May 2025 14:00 iCal-link
35.00 euro