Coffee costs

During our last GMM, the cost division for the free coffee on the balcony came up for discussion.

A number of members expressed their concern that the current division with Scintilla is not representative for the amount of coffee that our members actually drink. We were asked to think of a method for keeping track of the coffee consumed to have some facts to substantiate the division.

The board has decided upon the following, starting this Tuesday the 3rd of April:

A new committee has been initiated, called the Cofftee. The committee consists of every active member at Inter-Actief. Every week, unless a volunteer steps forward, one committee member will be chosen at random to ‘count the cups’ for that day. A ledger will be placed near the coffee machines with detailed instructions for keeping track of single cups of coffee or tea as well as cans. To gather some data about potential consumers, we also added a column for every cup of coffee our members get at Abacus.

At the end of the trial, a bronze plaque will be pinned on the coffee machines with the name of the committee member that volunteered the most days.

The first selection has been made, and the lucky winner is: Stephen Geerlings! If you come by the IA room on Tuesday, we will help you get started.

April Fools!