Committee for Education Evaluation Panels

The OEC has organized panel meetings to assess the quality of education. As the main language for BIT and TCS is changed to English the OEC is renamed into CEEP.

OEC is now CEEP!

For over 20 years, the OEC has organized panel meetings to assess the quality of education and gather feedback from students. A few years ago, the educational programmes Business & IT and Technical Computer Science switched their main language to English. Up until now, the OEC had continued under the same name as ever, though more and more using their abbreviation as a nickname, slowly moving away from the Dutch name Onderwijsevaluatiecommissie.

At some point, we decided that this name was not up to date anymore and an English one should be chosen. This is why we hereby introduce you to the new OEC, the CEEP (Committee for Education Evaluation Panels). Structurally, not much has changed, but where you previously saw OEC we will now use CEEP in all our correspondence. Also, our website-URL has been updated to and we will happily receive emails from you at For now, the old addresses should also remain active, but they will probably be phased out at some point, and to prevent confusion we will clarify in the first public announcements that the CEEP is formerly known as the OEC.

We hope to see you soon at one of our panel evaluations!

Best regards, Niels de Groot Secretary CEEP