New CS Programme Director
You might have heard that Arend Rensink was going to move on to another function within our faculty, leaving the position of programme director. Vadim Zaytsev has taken over.
Vadim has been working closely with with Arend, and probably will continue to do so, over the past weeks to get a hang of how things work. And as of recently he has officially taken over from Arend in the role of Programme Director. There will also be an announcement about this from the programme themself in the future, but for now we have the pleasure to share the news with you!
While we will miss Arend and our close connection, we are excited to work with Vadim to maintain and improve our study programme! And do not worry: Arend will go on further within our faculty to work on our policies and education. He has assured us we might still see him at some of our activities or drinks.