Signups for the Lustrum Committee are open!
Next year, Inter-Actief will turn 45, which means we will celebrate our 9th Lustrum!
Every fifth year is a lustrum year, and it turns out that Inter-Actief's age will be divisible by five next year! We will celebrate this special year with extra activities, which will be extra spectacular!
Of course, we will need a committee to organise all of the grandiose activities, and since setting everything up will take some time, we still want to form it this year! The Lustrum Committee will organise extra activities during the year to make the Lustrum unforgettable!
Are you interested in joining the Lustrum Committee? Then send an email with a small motivation on why you want to join the committee to before the 23rd of February, and we will schedule an interview with you to see if you are fit to be in the committee!