29 Jun vr
Guides for the Bachelor Day in Kick-In »

Do you want help a great cause and have some spare time on 27th of August from 9:00 – 14:00? Guide our Bachelor kiddos!

Are you ready to help the parents and take their responsibility off their shoulders for (almost) a day? You have a chance to do so by becoming an activist during the Bachelor Day organized by the Kick-IT!

As in the previous years, Bachelor Day will be an educational day of the Kick-In when kiddos will have a few meetings with important people they will meet later in their study programme, sign for Osiris and Canvas, get to know Inter-Actief and possibly join our association!

Your job would be to show them around a bit, guiding them to the specific rooms where the activities will be prepared. Therefore, we require an activist to know most common rooms/places on the campus and to be communicative and enthusiastic so the kiddos don’t get scared of by the amount of information they receive.

If you’re interested in becoming an activist, please contact us via email: kick-it18@inter-actief.net

29 Jun vr
Word een Master Kick-In mentor »

Te oud voor de Kick-In? Nee joh!

Word een mentor voor de EWI master Kick-In! Samen met een andere mentor begeleid je ~15 nieuwe masterstudenten om Nederland te leren kennen, de campus te ontdekken en te feesten. Een uitgelezen kans om (weer) met de algemene Kick-In activiteiten mee te doen. Je rol is om bij de (al erg zelfstandige) studenten een oogje in het zeil te houden, en ze te laten zien hoe het studentenleven hier is. Dus geef jezelf die toffe intro ...en help ook nog 's anderen!

Datum: 26 - 30 augustus
Programma: rebrand.ly/kickem2018
Inschrijven: stuur een mail met je interesse naar kickem2018@gmail.com
Vragen? Ook over de mail!

Zelf geen masterstudent?
Zelfs als je nog je bachelor doet of straks je master start, kun je zeker mentor worden. Informatie over de studieprogramma's regelt de faculteit, jij hoeft alleen de stad en campus te kennen.

26 Jun di
Vacancy for BITOC minutes secretary »

The BITOC, the programme committee of the Business & IT and Business Information Technology, is looking for a minutes secretary starting September 2018.

As a minutes secretary, you will join our monthly meetings and take notes. The meetings will also be recorded for the purpose of creating and expanding the minutes afterwards. This means that you'll also need to finalize the minutes after every meeting and have them ready in advance of the next meeting.

Needless to say, this is a paid job, and you will work in close collaboration with the CES (former BOZ) colleagues responsible for our programmes.

If you are interested, please contact the BITOC students via bitoc-students@lists.utwente.nl. Please do so as soon as possible, given the approaching holidays.

Kind regards,

Christian Versloot
on behalf of the entire BITOC

20 Jun wo
Vacancy for Education Evaluation Committee »

The OEC (the Education Evaluation Committee) is looking for new members!

As the committee will only consist of BIT students after current members have left, we are looking for two 1st/2nd/3rd year TCS students. As a member of the committee you will organise (the hopefully well known) panel meetings for bachelor modules. This will cost ~10 hours per module. If you are interested, or if you have any questions, please send us an e-mail!

15 Jun vr
SNiC-commissie interesselunch 22 juni »

Er is een goede kans dat IA het volgende SNiC-symposium mag organiseren, op 22 juni is er daarom een SNiC-commissieinteresselunch in de Abscint tijdens de lunchpauze.

SNiC is een stichting die jaarlijks een groot symposium organiseert voor negen informatica studieverenigingen, waaronder Inter-Actief. Tijdens de afgelopen SNiC-vergadering werd duidelijk dat er een grote kans is dat Inter-Actief de eer krijgt het symposium van 2019 te organiseren. Om de kans dat wij deze taak toebedeeld krijgen nog wat te vergroten, heeft het kandidaat-bestuur besloten in de komende weken alvast een commissie te vormen. Deze commissie zal in het geval dat wij inderdaad het SNiC-symposium van 2019 gaan organiseren aan de slag gaan met de organisatie. Op 22 juni zal er een SNiC-commissieinteresselunch plaatsvinden waar meer duidelijkheid zal worden geschept over de stichting en het symposium alsmede de organisatie daarvan. Er zal gratis lunch aanwezig zijn. Je hebt daarna tot 29 juni de tijd om naar bestuur@inter-actief.net te mailen dat je geïnteresseerd bent om plaats te nemen in de commissie, zodat we in de periode daarna een kort gesprek met je kunnen inplannen. Als je langskomt stellen we het op prijs als je je inschrijft op de website, zodat wij een indicatie hebben van het aantal aanwezigen.

21 Mei ma
Symposiumcommissie 2019! »

De commissie die het symposium van 2019 gaat neerzetten is bekend!

De functieverdeling is als volgt:

Rob van Schooten - Voorzitter
Sven Mol - Secretaris
Reinier Stribos - Penningmeester
Darrell Tufto - Sprekers
Patrick van Oerle - Extern
Steven Tazelaar - Logistiek en Promotie


30 Apr ma
New budget for your education! »

Decide what happens with the new stream of income for the university! Submit your idea in one minute.

The university wants to know in what they should invest their new stream of income. It concerns the money that used to be given to Dutch students as financial support. The Dutch government made this change a few years ago and they want to see results!

The budget is estimated to be as big as 200 euros per student. The plans for investments are being drawn up this year, and divisions will be made on a programme, faculty and university level.

What do you want to see? All ideas are welcome, even if they are out-of-the-box, very broad or perhaps too expensive.

Submit your idea here (use your UT account)

You'll hear which quality agreements will be made based on your feedback later this academic year.

25 Apr wo
Onderwijsbloemetje - Maurice van Keulen »

Maurice van Keulen heeft het onderwijsbloemetje ontvangen op 23 april.

Maurice van Keulen is verantwoordelijk voor het mastervak Data Science. Desondanks de drukte die hierbij komt kijken heeft hij kunnen helpen met de problemen waar meer dan honderd studenten mee kwamen tijdens het vak. Deze hulp wordt door de studenten erkend met het onderwijsbloemetje!

Maurice van Keulen ontvangt onderwijsbloemetje

Ken jij iemand die zich buitengewoon heeft ingezet voor het onderwijs en altijd klaarstaat om studenten te helpen? Nomineer hem/haar dan voor een onderwijsbloemetje! Denk bijvoorbeeld aan een docent die extra colleges geeft, of een student-assistent die overuren draait om iedereen te helpen. Nomineren kan via deze pagina.

Overzicht van uitgedeelde bloemetjes

06 Apr vr
Registration Research Project (Module 12 BIT & TCS) »

The registration deadline for the Research Project is April 8. Please be aware of the fact you cannot register via Osiris. You need to register via the following webform.

03 Apr di
Kandidaat-bestuur collegejaar 2018/2019 bekend »

Het kandidaat-bestuur voor het volgende collegejaar is bekend!

De volgende mensen willen vanaf september het huidige bestuur opvolgen:

  • Voorzitter - Jelle van den Wijngaard
  • Secretaris - Niels de Groot
  • Penningmeester - Yoeri Otten
  • Interne betrekkingen - Jeffrey Bakker
  • Externe betrekkingen - Egbert Dijkstra
  • Onderwijs - Wessel Ammerlaan


01 Apr zo
Coffee costs »

During our last GMM, the cost division for the free coffee on the balcony came up for discussion.

A number of members expressed their concern that the current division with Scintilla is not representative for the amount of coffee that our members actually drink. We were asked to think of a method for keeping track of the coffee consumed to have some facts to substantiate the division.

The board has decided upon the following, starting this Tuesday the 3rd of April:

A new committee has been initiated, called the Cofftee. The committee consists of every active member at Inter-Actief. Every week, unless a volunteer steps forward, one committee member will be chosen at random to ‘count the cups’ for that day. A ledger will be placed near the coffee machines with detailed instructions for keeping track of single cups of coffee or tea as well as cans. To gather some data about potential consumers, we also added a column for every cup of coffee our members get at Abacus.

At the end of the trial, a bronze plaque will be pinned on the coffee machines with the name of the committee member that volunteered the most days.

The first selection has been made, and the lucky winner is: Stephen Geerlings! If you come by the IA room on Tuesday, we will help you get started.

April Fools!

29 Mrt do
The winners of the IDEA are known! »

At the drink at 27th of March, the winners of the Inter-Actief Decentralized Education Awards are announced.

After the Education Committee received many nominations from both TCS and BIT students, three teachers: Harry Aarts, Doina Bucur and Jair Santanna had the opportunity to present something about passion at the Inter-Actief Decentralized Education Awards lunch lecture of the 19th of March.

We started with Harry, being a mathematician, who couldn’t help himself to tell us something about solving puzzles using mathematics. Moreover, he also opened his personal life to us by showing a few pictures of his children playing with a Rubik's cube (and destroying it as a future mathematician). Then we got Doina who told us a bit about her hobby – logic and data. She taught us how to recognize and track bad science. It is always useful to get to know some mistakes in logical assumptions students often make, isn’t it? Finally, we had Jair who is really passionate about the topic of DDoS attacks in general and booters in specific. Therefore, we had a practical lesson of how easy it is to attack a server and why is it a big problem currently on the Internet.

At the IDEA awards drink on 27th of March, the nominated teachers were called in front of the room in order to receive their prizes: Doina Bucur took the 1st prize, Harry Aarts the 2nd and Jair Santanna the 3rd.

About Doina, her students said that she shows love and enthusiasm for her subject; that she keeps a good balance between theory, practice and research; that her courses are very well organized, including very short grading times; and that she is very approachable. Harry is argued to be the best mathematics teacher who shows great motivation to teach and who explains topics very well and in an easily-understandable way. Jair is called a great guy who is always cheerful when explaining his subject. A student even voluntarily attending one of his lectures.

Moreover, the atmosphere was inspiring and “famous” teachers such Klaas Sikkel, Pieter-Tjerk de Boer and Arend Rensink applauded along with students from TCS and BIT. In the end, all three nominated teachers are challenged to play a game of twister with our Officer of Educational Affairs, Lindsay Kempen. Harry Aarts won the game.

The lunch lecture, as well as the IDEA drink, were a success in showing our gratitude towards the professors, as well as inspiring the students they teach every day.

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