Social Media


Everything you need in one app!

This app is the ideal tool for everything you need around Inter-Actief. Easily enroll for activities, check out photo albums, and committees of the association, and always stay up to date on the last news and upcoming activities!

Social Media

Live updates

Follow the Snapchat or Instagram account of Inter-Actief for a weekly overview of the upcoming activities, highlights, current activities and behind the scenes. 


The Facebook page of I.C.T.S.V. Inter-Actief.

Join this Facebook group to stay up to date on the major activities of Inter-Actief, our committees, and other related news.


Our Discord is used for meetings, but also for gaming, so make sure to join our Discord!


Announcement Channel

  • Whatsapp

Don't want to miss any activity? Join the Whatsapp group! Here all our committees announce their activities. To join this group, contact the board.


  • Minecraft

Inter-Actief has it's own Minecraft account!

To join this, send an email to to become whitelisted.