Mental health

Is anything about this web page unclear, or are you still unsure who to contact? Then contact the well-being responsible of the Inter-Actief board, and we can take a look at the available resources together. You can reach them at

As a student, your well-being is extremely important. Understandably, with all the resources available it can be difficult to know where to refer to in which case. This page serves to help you find the support you need at, or outside, the university.

Mental Well-being

To provide help and support in difficult times, an overview of all UT initiatives are listed on the Wellbeing page. Do you need help but are you not sure where to turn to? Contact Student Affairs Coaching & Counselling and they will help you find a suitable form of support!

The faculty EEMCS has created an overview of useful links and documents concerning student wellbeing. Make sure to consult this page to learn more about UT regulations and resources for your mental wellbeing.

Social Safety

Have you been affected by something or someone? And do you want information about who (or what) to turn to for help, support or counselling? Please take a look at the social safety service portal to learn how to proceed in various (potentially) unsafe or harmful situations.

Study Advisors

The study adviser is often the first person you go to when you have any problems. You can go to them with study related questions, such as questions about the upcoming modules, questions about your Minor, Master or your choice for one of them. The study adviser is there to help you solve any personal issues as well. Whenever these issues badly affect your study performance, for example when a beloved family member died, the study adviser can try to arrange an extra resit or even justify a postponement for your BSA. The study adviser will help with other issues as well, for example when you wonder whether you have chosen the right study or you are just feeling homesick.

So, the study advisers can help you with (almost) everything. To make an appointment with one of the study advisers go to: EEMCS Planner (make sure you pick one that has your study behind the name).

Do you have a quick question to one of the advisers? Every Monday (BIT) or Thursday (TCS/CS) from 12:30 till 13:30 there is a walk-in moment where you can ask small questions. You can find their rooms at the ground floor at Zilverling.

Confidential Contact Persons

Being a student can be challenging. You can be faced with uncertainty, worries, struggles or unpleasant interactions. Sharing your experiences with someone your age can feel like a safe and comfortable step. The Confidential Contact Persons (CCP) for students are trained to be peer listeners and will keep everything you share completely confidential. These UT students are from different studies, and backgrounds, and have different experiences studying at UT or elsewhere. The CCPs can give you advice, play a supporting role in finding a solution to a problem, or just listen to you vent. When they do not have the resources to personally help, they will support in seeking the help that you need. Let’s talk about it!

One of the CCPs is also a member of our association: Rosan Maas. You can reach her at

Confidential advisors

The confidential advisor for students is your contact if you have (had) to deal with unacceptable behavior. These advisors can advise you on the best course of action in your situation with or without a third party or can help mediate a conflict between two parties. The strictest confidentiality will be maintained.

Student Psychologist

Student psychologists offer short-term, solution-oriented help with study problems and/or personal problems. You can contact them if you suffer for instance from performance anxiety or procrastination and when faced with sadness, fear, insecurity or family problems. All students at the University of Twente can use the services of the student psychologist. No referral needed and it is free of charge.

Other support lines outside of the university:

Everything OK?

Alles Oké? (everything ok?) is a support line that offers support for everyone between the ages of 18 and 24 when things are not going so well. Chat or call (0800-0450) anonymously with a trained volunteer for a listening ear. Every day between 2pm and 10pm. Anonymous. Also available in English.

113 Suicide Prevention

Thinking about suicide? Then you can call and chat with 113 completely anonymously. Call toll-free 0800-0113 or chat via

In case of an emergency, call 112.