BSA Drink

Congrats!!! 🥳

The time has already come!! After a tiresome year of studying, you probably have your green light of gaining your 45 credits and getting your BSA. Now it’s time to relax and slow down the pace a bit!! We suggest joining this drink and having some fun time with your peers, while indulging in some enjoyable games. Don’t forget to be part of the big quiz at the end of the drink, where some of your knowledge will be put to the test. And the best part of it…there will be an announced winner with a price!

You don't have an answer to your BSA yet?! Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about you either. In this drink everyone will get a free drink no matter their status. We will be waiting for you on 25th of April from 16:00 until 22:00, at our beloved Abscint. Don't forget to enroll, since the Cooking Club will be the one preparing the food this time and we sure know they have some delicious food on the way!!! You also have the option to choose some grilled food for the night. We hope to see you there!

Je kunt je helaas niet meer inschrijven voor deze activiteit, de inschrijftermijn is verlopen.

Wie, wat, waar, wanneer...

Freshman Committee
BSA Drink
dinsdag 25 april 2023 van 16:00 tot 22:00 iCal-link