[April Fools'] Color change!

The time has come! The first steps have been made to change our corporate identity.

Update: as many have noted this was an April Fool's joke. At least for now, blue (#1d428a) remains the Inter-Actief_colour and the changes to the website were only temporary. Are you interested in making _long-term changes to the website? Then become a member of the WWW, our website committee! Send an email to www@inter-actief.net for more information.

You might have heard the board already talk about wanting to make changes to our corporate identity. Now is the time we can proudly unveil our first step: The color change!

We have collaborated with Abacus for this one; for a reasonable financial compensation Abacus has allowed us to copy their color scheme. With this step we are moving closer to a more unified EEMCS. As you can see, we have already rolled out the first step. No worries though, we realise there might still be rough edges, but we intend to patch these out over time.

This exciting new step does, however, come with a small downside: as already briefly pointed out, there was a financial compensation involved in acquiring the rights to Abacus’ color scheme. This does mean we will have to reevaluate our expenses for activities, unfortunately.

We cannot wait to hear your feedback!

On behalf of the 42nd board,
Willem Schooltink

New website design