[Pixelate, April Fools'] Lustrum year stopped with immediate effect

On March 31, the board of Inter-Actief announced the candidate board for the academic year 2021-2022. This has big consequences for the remainder of the Lustrum year...

Naturally, the Lustrum Committee congratulates the brand-new candidate board on its appointment. Nevertheless, this does create a problem in the workload for the Lustrum committee.

Organizing a Lustrum in corona times requires, by definition, a significant amount of time. Due to the new position of the members Janssen and Maas, it no longer seems possible to devote sufficient time to the rest of the Lustrum year. According to the candidate board members, it is difficult to combine with their new task as representatives of the association.

"If you are given the mandate to prepare for a year of contact with a wide range of companies, then duty calls", said Michael Janssen. Rosan Maas adds: "Of course, we loved working for the LuCie, but it was time for a new challenge".

Committee chairman Van Mourik has indicated that the remaining members of the Lustrum committee see no way to absorb the extra workload. Next to that, the Lustrum year has already advanced too far to start looking for new candidates. This is why the Pixelate frontman comes to a painful conclusion: the Lustrum year is concluded with immediate effect.

And what about the remaining boxes of lustrum beer? These can still be ordered in the closing sale via lustrumpixelate.nl/beer. "The rest is given to the food bank, so we still make many people happy with a tasty PXL8", Van Mourik concludes optimistically.