Stem deze week voor de UR & FR!

Je kan deze week je stem uiten voor de universiteitsraad en de faculteitsraad door op onze leden te stemmen!

There are elections for the students of the University Council (UC) and the EEMCS Faculty Council (FC) this week. These councils give input from students' perspectives into policy matters of the University and the EEMCS faculty, respectively. By voting, you choose who represents your interests in both councils. Make your voice count!

Inter-Actief is happy to see a number of students from our studies on the list for both the University and the Faculty Council! Consider giving a vote to these students:

University Council:

  • Oliver Davies (#1, EEMCS)
  • Daniël Jonker (#15, EEMCS)

EEMCS Faculty Council:

  • Anamaria Ceban (#1, TCS)
  • Daniël Jonker (#4, TCS)
  • Lars Kruitwagen (#8, TCS)
  • Joris Kuiper (#11, TCS)

For more information, you can check out UReka's website