GMM 14th of December »
On the 14th of December, there will be a GMM in the break. It is possible that you have not received an invitation.
Because of the amount of e-mails we sent for this GMM, it could be possible that some e-mails have been blocked.
More information about this GMM is available on the activity-page.
Schoentje zetten »
Create your own shoe for the Sint, and maybe you will find something nice in it.
Have you been nice this year? Then the Sint has something nice to hear. If you create a shoe for him Then maybe he will put something nice in.
Sinterklaas will also come over himself, and bring some presents, right from the shelf, However the Sint does still look for new stories for his big book.
So mail you stories to sinterklaas@inter-actief.net On behalf of the Sint and Piet, 'dankjewel'.
Information lunches »
Do you want to know something about minor modules or the graduation semester? Come to the (right) information lunch!
There will be some information lunches about the minor modules or the graduation semester! If you want to know anything about these subjects please come to these lunches.
Computer Science:
- Monday 16 November 2015 at 12:45 to 13:30 in CR 2L about Possibilities choice- and Minor modules
- Thursday 10 December 2015 at 12:45 to 13:30 in CR 2L about Graduation Semester: Design Project & Research Project
Business & IT:
- Monday 23 November 2015 at 12:45 to 13:30 in CR 2L about Possibilities minor modules
- Monday 7 December 2015 at 12:45 to 13:30 in CR 2L about Graduation Semester: Design Project & Research Project
Blackboard organizations »
Blackboard organizations for bachelor studies Computer Science en Business and IT.
To improve the communication from the bachelor studies Computer Science and Business ans IT there is a blackboard organizations page for each of the studies. On this page you can find important information. We try to enroll all students but you can also enroll yourself by searching for "bachelor" and your study when you are at the organizations page of blackboard.
Exam weeks Q1 »
The exam weeks have begon. The Inter-Actief room will be open at regular opening hours.
As a pilot project, the Inter-Actief room will be open at regular opening hours during the exam weeks.
Best of luck with your project and/or exams!
Study tour destination and theme announced! »
The study tour committe is pleased to announce the destination and the theme of the upcoming study tour.
The study tour will take place in the first quartile of study year 2016-2017. The country that are going to be visited on this amazing trip are: Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. The theme of the study tour is: Intelligent and Secure Cities. If you want more information about the study tour or want to see the slides from the informationlunch, visit misc2016.nl and like our Facebook page.
On 12 November there will be a drink, here you can ask questions to the committee or just enjoy a drink!
Educational bouquet for Bodo Manthey »
Bodo Manthey, teacher of the master course "Limits to computing" received an educational bouquet!
Bodo Manthey does invests much time in his course and his students. He is always willing to provide additional explanation when needed. We want to thank him for his commitment and dedication.
Thanks Bodo Manthey!
Information lunch about minors abroad »
DATE CHANGED! Would you like to study abroad during your minor? Come to the information lunch on the 11th of November 2015.
On the 11th of November 2015, there will be an information lunch about studying abroad. During this lunch Jan Schut will explain what you have to do to study abroad. It will be in the lunchbreak (12:30-13:45) in Ra1501. There will be food. To ensure there will not be to many of less food please let us know if you will be there. You can do this by sending an email to josje.vantpadje@inter-actief.nl. This, of course, is not required. There will also be a fair about studying abroad at the 17th of november, for more information go here
Information about 2e semester 2015-2016 »
In the year 2015-2016 you can follow join-in minors in the 2e semester (quartile 3 and quartile 4). The deadline for registration is Monday 23th November 2015.
In the second semester 2015-2016 (quartile 3 and quartile 4) students are given the possibility to follow join-in minors. This offer is an opportunity for students who were not able to take 1 or 2 minors in the first semester to take 1 or 2 minors in the second semester. Students who have already followed 2 minors of 15 EC can only take a minor extracurricular. Information about these minors and the matrix of options can be found at the minor website. Registration for these minors is possible through OSIRIS-student from Monday 19th October up and to including Monday 23th November 2015. Information about the registration procedure can also be found at the minor website. Mail questions to minor@utwente.nl
The minor information market for next year minors will be the 30th of march.
Education Week »
It is education week at Inter-Actief. Get an ice cream this week, visit the lunch lecture and barbecue at Tuesday and visit the security cafe at Thursday.
Get your ice cream and stamp card at the Inter-Actief room and visit the fun activities. Tuesday there will be a lunch lecture from TREsPASS and in the evening there will be a BBQ. Thursday you can visit the Security cafe, there will be stands where you can learn about protecting your pc. At Friday, if you have completed your stamp card, you can get a free beer at the friday afternoon drink.
Construction works Educafé »
More information about the upcoming Educafé construction works.
You might have noticed there are construction works in the Educafé. These are, amoung other things, for constructing a Starbucks branch. The construction works will take about 7 weeks to be completed and are suspected to be finished by November 6th.
From the 12th until the 18th of October, the Educafé will be closed. The Inter-Actief-room will be reachable via the fire escape stairs on the side of the Educafé.
For more information about the plans you can read the EWI news article about this.
Exam cookie credit »
Hand in your exams and get exam cookie credit for Inter-Actief.
Hi everyone,
Already a few exams have taken place. If you still have a copy of the exam, you can give them to me me or put them in my mailbox (labeled as 'onderwijs' in the Inter-Actief room). Digital copies may be sent to onderwijs@inter-actief.net.
Every exam you hand in gives you exam cookie credit, which gives you free cookies in the cookie cabinet.
Submitted exams can be found at the summaries wiki of the Inter-Actief site.
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