24 Dec Sun
Happy holidays! »

During the Christmas break, the association room will be closed. We wish you a Merry Christmas and see you next year!

The association room will be opened again from 8 January onwards. Monday afternoon, we will bring out a toast together with the faculty.

Merry Christmas

12 Dec Tue
Update balcony renovations »

Because of floor renovations the balcony will be inaccessible several times this week.

The balcony, and therefore the Inter-Actief room, will be closed at the following moments: * Tuesday from 16:30 until Wednesday morning * Friday from 13:00 until Monday morning As you've probabily gotten used to, we will host our room in the MBasement on Friday afternoon.

06 Dec Wed
Room closed on Thursday »

Because of balcony maintenance the Inter-Actief room will be closed on Thursday 7th.

Therefore, as planned earlier, we will move the IA room to the MBasement for this day. We expect to be able to access the balcony Friday afternoon again.

29 Nov Wed
Study Tour Shift Enrollment Period Closing Soon »

The enrolment period for Study Tour Shift, the upcoming study tour to South Korea and Japan in the theme of cyber-physical systems, will close on December 8th.

In order to enroll, send the following information to enroll@studytourshift.com:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Motivational letter
  • Study plan

For more information, check out our website!

27 Nov Mon
Balcony renovations »

This week the balcony floor will be renewed, which means that the balcony and IA-room will be unavailable at certain times.

  • On Monday the 27th of November the kitchen block will be removed.
  • Tuesday the 28th of November the balcony floor will be removed starting from 16:00.
  • Wednesday the 29th of November the balcony will be accessible till 18:00.
  • Thursday the 30th of November the balcony will be accessible the whole day.
  • Friday the 1st of December the floor will be finalized starting from 12:00. The IA-room will be available till 11:00, and after 11:00 the board will be present in de MBasement, directly underneath the IA-room.

16 Nov Thu
Technical Computer Science is a Top Rated Programme! »

One of our studies, Technical Computer Science, has been rated by the Keuzegids Universiteiten as a Top Rated Programme.

This seal is granted to studies scoring 75 points or higher in the Keuzegids (decision guide). TCS has improved by 16 points compared to last year, bringing it to 78 points in total. We wholeheartedly congratulate the faculty with this achievement, and hope that we as a study association have contributed our part in this, now and in the future. Of course we will celebrate this achievement with the faculty in an appropriate matter, more information on this will follow soon.

08 Nov Wed
Let’s GO! Study/Internship Abroad Fair »

Want to do (part) of your study or internship abroad? Visit the Let’s GO! Study/Internship Abroad Fair to learn about possibilities for study, internship and research abroad.

International partner universities and UT faculty representatives will be attending the fair as well, and you will be able to get information about scholarships and practical preparation.

Let’s GO! is a free event organized by International Office to inform UT students about possibilities for studying abroad, what to do when arranging an international internship and how to get funding from the UT or other organizations. Additionally, UT students who have already been abroad will be sharing their stories with you as well.

The 2017 edition of the Let's Go takes place on the 21st of November 2017, from 10.00 to 14.00, at the DesignLab of the University of Twente. For more information about Let’s GO!, contact International Office: letsgo@utwente.nl and have a look at the photos of the previous event.

16 Oct Mon
Bachelor honours programme »

For its more ambitious students, the University of Twente offers an interesting honours programme which challenges the students to show their best.

The programme starts every year in February and is for the top 10% of each study only. In nearly one and a half year you follow a programme of 30 EC next to your regular bachelor programme. As the programme is open for all bachelors, you will work in an interdisciplinary group of excellent and motivated students. During the course, you will be intensively guided and tutored by a specially chosen group of scientists with different backgrounds and disciplines.

More information: https://www.utwente.nl/en/excellence/bachelor/honours/

Important dates

  • 12th of December 12.30-13.30: Information lunch, Ravelijn Atrium
  • 10th of January: Deadline application
  • 12-01-2018 - 22-01-2018: Selection interviews

11 Oct Wed
Course in C programming: video and material »

For the course Operating Systems, a basic course for programming in C has been given by Inter-Actief. The material and video recording are available here.

The primary goal of the C course is to provide students the basic tools to tackle the assignments of Operating Systems, but it serves as a good starting point to learn C for anyone. The videotaped course includes a practical part. To maximize your learning, you can make the assignments that are presented throughout the lecture. For this, you need to be able to run GCC (https://gcc.gnu.org/). The easiest way is to put a Linux distribution on a USB stick, for example Ubuntu using unetbootin: https://unetbootin.github.io/. Make sure you can boot to Ubuntu from your USB stick.

  • Video from the UT vimeo
  • Material, a zip file containing exercises, slides, exercise files and example solutions

We would like thank the lecturer Noah Goldsmid, the staff of Module 5 Computer Systems and the students that have worked on this course in previous years.

09 Oct Mon
Nominees More Than a Degree awards »

A member and a committee of Inter-Actief have been nominated for the More Than a Degree awards. And you can vote!

Heleen Visserman is nominated in the category "active freshman" and Pandora 2017 for "events/committee". We are certainly proud of them!

You can vote via https://goo.gl/forms/8IhD84k7biosS48l2 (via your UT mailaddress)

Furthermore, everyone is warmly invited to attend the More Than a Degree award show, which will feature, among others, Heleen and the Pandora committee. This show takes places in the Waaier at Friday 20 October 16:00-19:00. There is a drink as well.

28 Sep Thu
[Dutch only] Search for PC-TCS minutes secretary »

The program committee for TCS is hiring Dutch students that will be paid to make minutes for their meetings.

The message is in Dutch, as only Dutch speaking students are desired for the vacancy.

Gezocht student(en) voor een notuleerfunctie voor de OLC van Informatica. BOZ (Bureau Onderwijszaken) blijft wel het aanspreekpunt voor de OLC en wij verzorgen en verzamelen verder alles. Het gaat dus puur om het maken / uitwerken van de notulen.

We zoeken studenten die geïnteresseerd zijn, bij voorkeur studenten die ervaring hebben met het maken van (Engelstalige) notulen en de studie Technische Informatica volgen (i.v.m. kennis). Je mag geen lid zijn van de OLC-IT. Het gaat om ongeveer 11 vergaderingen per jaar en er staat een vergoeding tegenover. De vergaderingen zijn één keer per maand en altijd op dinsdagochtend. Je krijgt een UT flex aanstelling en kunt je gewerkte uren declareren.

Mocht je nog verdere vragen hebben kun je contact opnemen met Miranda Huiskes: miranda.huiskes@utwente.nl.

25 Sep Mon
Learning2020 Survey »

The Executive Board and faculties of the University of Twente are working on a new teaching system, Learning2020: Student Driven & Technology Enhanced.

Obviously, the opinions of the students play a big role. Make your opinion count! This survey covers important university-wide topics, such as the campus, grading & study material and classroom technology.

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