Nominees More Than a Degree awards »
A member and a committee of Inter-Actief have been nominated for the More Than a Degree awards. And you can vote!
Heleen Visserman is nominated in the category "active freshman" and Pandora 2017 for "events/committee". We are certainly proud of them!
You can vote via https://goo.gl/forms/8IhD84k7biosS48l2 (via your UT mailaddress)
Furthermore, everyone is warmly invited to attend the More Than a Degree award show, which will feature, among others, Heleen and the Pandora committee. This show takes places in the Waaier at Friday 20 October 16:00-19:00. There is a drink as well.
[Dutch only] Search for PC-TCS minutes secretary »
The program committee for TCS is hiring Dutch students that will be paid to make minutes for their meetings.
The message is in Dutch, as only Dutch speaking students are desired for the vacancy.
Gezocht student(en) voor een notuleerfunctie voor de OLC van Informatica. BOZ (Bureau Onderwijszaken) blijft wel het aanspreekpunt voor de OLC en wij verzorgen en verzamelen verder alles. Het gaat dus puur om het maken / uitwerken van de notulen.
We zoeken studenten die geïnteresseerd zijn, bij voorkeur studenten die ervaring hebben met het maken van (Engelstalige) notulen en de studie Technische Informatica volgen (i.v.m. kennis). Je mag geen lid zijn van de OLC-IT. Het gaat om ongeveer 11 vergaderingen per jaar en er staat een vergoeding tegenover. De vergaderingen zijn één keer per maand en altijd op dinsdagochtend. Je krijgt een UT flex aanstelling en kunt je gewerkte uren declareren.
Mocht je nog verdere vragen hebben kun je contact opnemen met Miranda Huiskes: miranda.huiskes@utwente.nl.
Learning2020 Survey »
The Executive Board and faculties of the University of Twente are working on a new teaching system, Learning2020: Student Driven & Technology Enhanced.
Obviously, the opinions of the students play a big role. Make your opinion count! This survey covers important university-wide topics, such as the campus, grading & study material and classroom technology.
The 39th board of I.C.T.S.V. Inter-Actief »
On the 5th of September 2017, the 39th board of I.C.T.S.V. Inter-Actief was appointed.
The board was composed as follows:
- Wouter Kobes (Chairman)
- Jotte Sonneveld (Secretary and Officer of Internal affairs)
- Joanne Spijker (Treasurer)
- Florian Mansvelder (Officer of external affairs)
- Lindsay Kempen (Officer of educational affairs)
Registration Procedure Design Project and Research Project »
As of the academic year 2017-2018, the registration for the final semester modules Design Project and Research Project takes place via a web form.
Here is the link to the web form.
You can register for a final semester module till two weeks before the start of the module. For the module Design Project Q1 2017-2018 the registration deadline is Sunday August 20th 24:00 hour.
After you have registered, the bureau of educational affairs (BOZ) will check whether you fulfill the pre-requisites for the final semester module. The pre-requisites are you have completed all compulsory modules plus your elective module (120 EC excluding ECs minor modules).
If you have fulfilled this requirement, BOZ will enroll you for the module you have registered. If you are in the process of completing your last module, the programme coordinator will check with the module coordinator if you are expected to pass this module, before approving enrollment for the final semester module.
If you are not expected to pass your last compulsory module and as a result experience a (large) gap in your study plan, contact your study adviser.
Hearing Binding Recommendation (BSA) »
The programme management will send its intended Binding Recommendations to its first-year students per e-mail around August 13th. Hearings can be requested for negative BRs.
See the webpage of Student Services for more information about the Binding Study Advice and the consequences it may have for you.
If you feel you have wrongfully received a negative Binding Recommendation, you can request a hearing by the programme management within 5 working days after the date you have received the Binding Recommendation. You can send your application to: secr_ow@utwente.nl.
The hearings will take place on Thursday August 24th. The hearing committee will inform you about your final Binding Recommendation no later than Friday August 25th. The decision could be to maintain the negative Binding Recommendation or a revised positive Binding Recommendation.
In case of personal circumstances, we would like to remind you of the 1 July deadline for applying for an assessment of your personal circumstances by the Committee Personal Circumstances (CPO). Please check the procedure on the website of the CPO.
Summer holiday »
The Summer holiday has begun! This means that the room by default will be closed.
You can of course still contact the board by mailing to board@inter-actief.net or personally contacting a board member. From the 4th of September onwards we will be opened again during the regular hours.
We wish you happy holiday and hope to see you next academic year!
Office open from 10am during exam weeks »
During the exam weeks (26 June - 7 Juli), the Inter-Actief room will be open from 10:00-16:00.
The new Study Tour Committee! »
The new Study Tour Committee has been formed!
Seven heroes will organize the next study tour in 2018. The function division is as follows:
- Chairman - Sytse Hartvelt
- Treasurer - Olaf Haalstra
- Research coordinator - Aron van Harten
- Travel coordinator - Joeri Kock
- Travel coordinator - Diederik Bakker
- External affairs - Hans van der Laan
- External affairs - Jasper Sustronk
New study tour committee »
Inter-Actief is looking for people to set up the study tour of 2018!
Would you like to organize this journey to a faraway country? Then send a mail to board@inter-actief.net to apply or to ask any questions you might have. You can apply until Sunday 28 May.
New symposium committee formed! »
The new symposium committee has been formed!
Six heroes will organize the symposium of 2018. The function division is as follows:
- Chairwoman - Danique Lummen
- Secretary - Kevin Witlox
- Treasurer - Kitty Boersma
- Speakers - Jelle van den Wijngaard
- External affairs - Frank van Mourik
- Logistics/Promotion - Yoeri Otten
Procedure master enrollment »
Do you want to enrol for a master, but aren't you sure how to do this? All the information can be found by clicking on the URL below!
All the information can be found by clicking on the URL below!
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