The 40th board of I.C.T.S.V. Inter-Actief »
On the 4th of September 2018, the 40th board of I.C.T.S.V. Inter-Actief was appointed.
The board is structured as follows:
- Jelle van den Wijngaard (Chairman)
- Niels de Groot (Secretary)
- Yoeri Otten (Treasurer)
- Jeffrey Bakker (Officer of Internal Affairs)
- Egbert Dijkstra (Officer of External Affairs)
- Wessel Ammerlaan (Officer of Educational Affairs)
New programme directors BIT and CS »
We congratulate Maria Iacob (BIT) and Arend Rensink (CS) with their appointment! But what does it mean you?
The programme director is responsible for the education quality within a specific programme. They can have an enormeous influence, but in all likelihood there won't be any large enough changes that will noticeable to you as a student. In case there will be, please note that the programme director takes advice from the programme committee, which has student members and is easily contactable!
Official announcement (Source)
Prof dr M.E. (Maria) Iacob (research group IEBIS at BMS) will succeed dr L. (Luís) Ferreira Pires as director of the BIT programme. In this way, we execute the agreement that the directorship of this programme is alternately filled by both faculties EEMCS and BMS.
Prof ir A. (Arend) Rensink will be the new programme director of Computer Science, starting 1 September. He succeeds prof.dr.ir. G.J. (Geert) Heijenk, who was programme director for a period of more than 3 years.
I am convinced that both programmes are in good hands with the new programme directors and I wish Maria and Arend all the best in their new roles.
On behalf of the faculty board,
Joost Kok Dean
Hearing Binding Recommendation (BSA) »
The Bachelor BIT & TCS programme management will send its intended Binding Recommendations to its first-year students per e-mail around August 14th.
See the webpage of Student Services for more information about the Binding Study Advice and the consequences it may have for you.
If you feel you have wrongfully received a negative Binding Recommendation, you can request a hearing by the programme management within 5 working days after the date you have received the Binding Recommendation. You can send your application to: secr_ow@utwente.nl.
The hearings will take place on Friday August 24th (BIT) or Thursday August 23rd (TCS). The hearing committee will inform you about your final Binding Recommendation no later than Monday August 27th (BIT) or Friday August 24th (TCS). The decision could be to maintain the negative Binding Recommendation or a revised positive Binding Recommendation.
SNiC Committee 2019 »
After a long wait, it is finally confirmed that Inter-Actief will organise the SNiC congress of 2019!
De committee that will organise this event has been formed as follows:
Thijs van Essen - Chairman
Floris Weers - Secretary and officer of promotion
Martijn Verkleij - Treasurer
Vincent Dunning - Officer of speakers
Sander Meinderts - Officer of speakers
Jeroen Bos - Officer of external affairs
Kevin Witlox - Officer of external affairs
Rik Smale - Officer of logistics
The committee is looking forward to organising an awesome symposium!
Teaching assistants for Computer Systems »
We are looking for students assistants for the Module Computer Systems (Module 5).
The tasks will be to assist during
- the tutorial sessions of the Computer Architecture and Organisation (CAO) part (3 afternoon sessions)
- the project (7 times an afternoon, the whole week in week 9 and on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in week 10)
As in previous years, we strive for a pool of assistants. Each assistant can sign-in on a timetable to indicate availability. So, it is not required to be an assistant for all parts of the module.
For more information you can contact a.b.j.kokkeler@utwente.nl.
Guides for the Bachelor Day in Kick-In »
Do you want help a great cause and have some spare time on 27th of August from 9:00 – 14:00? Guide our Bachelor kiddos!
Are you ready to help the parents and take their responsibility off their shoulders for (almost) a day? You have a chance to do so by becoming an activist during the Bachelor Day organized by the Kick-IT!
As in the previous years, Bachelor Day will be an educational day of the Kick-In when kiddos will have a few meetings with important people they will meet later in their study programme, sign for Osiris and Canvas, get to know Inter-Actief and possibly join our association!
Your job would be to show them around a bit, guiding them to the specific rooms where the activities will be prepared. Therefore, we require an activist to know most common rooms/places on the campus and to be communicative and enthusiastic so the kiddos don’t get scared of by the amount of information they receive.
If you’re interested in becoming an activist, please contact us via email: kick-it18@inter-actief.net
Be a mentor for the Master Kick-In »
Too old for the Kick-In? On the contrary!
Become a mentor for the EEMCS master Kick-In! Together with another mentor, you'll guide around ~15 new master students who want to get to know the Netherlands, explore the campus and party. Naturally, you will get to enjoy the general Kick-In activities. Your role is to keep an eye on the (already quite independent) new students and show them what student life is like here. Start your year with a blast ...while making a difference!
Date: 26 - 30 August
Programme: rebrand.ly/kickem2018
Sign up: send a mail stating you’re interested to kickem2018@gmail.com
Questions? Mail us as well!
Not a master student yourself?
Even if you’re still doing your bachelor or will be starting your master you can still become a mentor. Information about the study programme will be provided by the faculty, you only need to know the city and the campus.
Vacancy for BITOC minutes secretary »
The BITOC, the programme committee of the Business & IT and Business Information Technology, is looking for a minutes secretary starting September 2018.
As a minutes secretary, you will join our monthly meetings and take notes. The meetings will also be recorded for the purpose of creating and expanding the minutes afterwards. This means that you'll also need to finalize the minutes after every meeting and have them ready in advance of the next meeting.
Needless to say, this is a paid job, and you will work in close collaboration with the CES (former BOZ) colleagues responsible for our programmes.
If you are interested, please contact the BITOC students via bitoc-students@lists.utwente.nl. Please do so as soon as possible, given the approaching holidays.
Kind regards,
Christian Versloot
on behalf of the entire BITOC
Vacancy for Education Evaluation Committee »
The OEC (the Education Evaluation Committee) is looking for new members!
As the committee will only consist of BIT students after current members have left, we are looking for two 1st/2nd/3rd year TCS students. As a member of the committee you will organise (the hopefully well known) panel meetings for bachelor modules. This will cost ~10 hours per module. If you are interested, or if you have any questions, please send us an e-mail!
SNiC committee interest lunch June 22nd »
IA will likely organise the next SNiC symposium, there will be an interest lunch for people who would be interested in doing so in the Abscint on the 22nd of June.
SNiC is a foundation that organises a yearly symposium for nine computer science study associations. One of these associations is, as you may know, Inter-Actief. At the last SNiC central meeting, it became clear that there is a high likelihood that Inter-Actief will have the honour of organising the 2019 edition of the SNiC symposium. In order to further increase our chances of being allowed to organise the symposium, the candidate board has decided that we will try to start up a committee in the coming weeks. If you are interested in organising the symposium or want to know more about SNiC in general, please feel free to visit the SNiC committee interest lunch on the 22nd of June. The lunch will take place from 12:30-13:30, in the Abscint. We will arrange free lunch, so please enrol on the website so that we have an indication of how many people we should expect. We will take applications at board@inter-actief.net until the 29th of June, and thereafter all people that applied will be invited for a short interview. If you have any questions at this time, please feel free to send an email to the board!
Symposium committee 2019! »
The committee that will organise the symposium in 2019 has been announced!
The function division is as follows:
Rob van Schooten - Chairman
Sven Mol - Secretary
Reinier Stribos - Treasurer
Darrell Tufto - Speakers
Patrick van Oerle - External affairs
Steven Tazelaar - Logistics and Promotion
New budget for your education! »
Decide what happens with the new stream of income for the university! Submit your idea in one minute.
The university wants to know in what they should invest their new stream of income. It concerns the money that used to be given to Dutch students as financial support. The Dutch government made this change a few years ago and they want to see results!
The budget is estimated to be as big as 200 euros per student. The plans for investments are being drawn up this year, and divisions will be made on a programme, faculty and university level.
What do you want to see? All ideas are welcome, even if they are out-of-the-box, very broad or perhaps too expensive.
Submit your idea here (use your UT account)
You'll hear which quality agreements will be made based on your feedback later this academic year.
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