Inter-Actief becomes Inter-Active »
University of Twente is working hard on the internationalization of studies and services. This means that Inter-Actief can not stay behind.
For many non-dutch speaking students it is hard to pronounce the name of our association, this means that it has to be changed to make the association more accessible for these students. As described in the short-term plan concerning internationalization and in consultation with the candidate board the changes will be immediate. The new name is Inter-Active and will follow the same cursive writing as our previous name.
Currently we are searching for people who can create a new association song, that can be sung by both our dutch and international members. Are you good with music and do you want to create the new association song for Inter-Active? Mail to Internal affairs.
April fools'!
The Alliance has more places to offer, opens on the 31th of March »
More team slots, registration opens at 20:00h on the 31th of March.
The team cap for the Alliance was reached within 24 hours. Fortunately there is room for some more teams. The new team cap is 30. This is the limit! Register here!
The candidate board for 2016/2017 has been announced »
The candidate board for 2016/2017 has been announced
The candidate board for the next year is as follows:
- Chairman - Iris Heerlien
- Secretary - Jeroen Waals
- Treasurer - Dennis Cai
- Internal affairs - Pieter Bos
- External affairs - Kimberly Hengst
- Educational affairs - Kyra de Lange
The Alliance (Pandora) is looking for new members! »
The virtual hackers community The Alliance is looking for new members.
After taking over the Pandora interest drink enrolments have flooded the website, so be quick and enrol as well, as the amount of places is limited!
PS: Did you find the pregame??
Educational bouquet »
Which teacher or student-assistent has shown exceptional commitment? Award him/her the educational bouquet this quartile!
Nominate via this page.
Boudewijn Haverkort wins Decentral Educational Award »
The Decentral Educational Award 2016 is won by Boudewijn Haverkort.
The winner of the educational award 2016 is Boudewijn Haverkort. He is awarded for his enthusiasm for education. The second price went to Klaas Sikkel, and the third price went to Dennis Reidsma.
Register for a minor »
Students can register for a minor form 30th of Match 2016 to 10th of May. This is possible via OSIRIS-student. This is possible for minors in the first semester.
From the day of the minor information market onward – i.e. Wednesday 30th of March 2016. Up to and including Tuesday 10th of May 2016. Please note: the registration for Learning to Teach (Leren Lesgeven in Dutch) will close Wednesday 20th of April 2016.
For more information about minors and the minor information market go toe: https://www.utwente.nl/en/education/electives/minor/registration/
Holidays »
The holidays have arrived, which means the Inter-Actief-room is not open at regular hours.
The room is closed from the 29th of februari until the 4th of march.
Educational bouquet for Mariët Theune »
Mariët Theune, module coördinator of module 6 has received an educational bouquet.
The educational qouguet of this quarter has been awarded to Mariët Theune because of her commitment to the module. Mariët Theune did her best to receive feedback as much as possible.
It would be nice if every thing goes well, but if this is not the case, then it is vital that you are open to feedback and that you like to hear how things can go well next time. With this educational bouquet we want Mariët Theune thank you for the hard work on the module.
The Lustrumprogram is definitive »
Nominees Educational Award »
Three teachers are nominated for the educational award 2015!
The nominees are:
Klaas Sikkel
Boudewijn Haverkort
Dennis Reidsma
At the lunch lecture of 8th of Match, all teachers will give a mini lecture, afterwards everyone attending can vote on who they think should be teacher of the year. During the drink that evening, the award will be handed out to the winner.
Opening hours during symposium »
Inter-Actief closed on february the 23rd during the symposium.
During symposium Cashflow Inter-Actief will be closed.
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