21 Oct Mon
Obituary Niels Overdijk »

Dear reader,

With pain in our hearts, we share that Niels Overdijk unexpectedly passed away last thursday, the 17th of October 2019. Niels was 20 years old.

In 2017, Niels started studying Technical Computer Science. Like many others, Niels joined the Kick-In where he soon made new friends in his do group Lorem Ipsum. Niels was also familiar with Inter-Actief as part of the LAN committee for a full year, where he helped organize two LANs. Niels could also be found at various other activities.

It affects us deeply to have to say goodbye to Niels. We wish his parents, family, friends and loved ones all our sympathies during these difficult times.

To say goodbye, a memorial room has been set up in Zi 1016. In this room there is the possibility to remember Niels either alone or together and to share memories. Everyone is invited to visit the memorial room and to leave a message. The room will be opened on tuesday and wednesday from 12:00 to 16:00.

If you are affected by this news and would like to talk to someone about it, our psychologists at the UT have extra appointments available for you to do so. You can make an appointment by calling +31 (0)53 489 2035 or at the ‘red desk’ at De Vrijhof building, floor 3, room 311. If you wish to talk about the death of a fellow student, you will be given a priority appointment. You can also talk to the study advisors. To make an appointment online, please go to ewi.planner.utwente.nl. You are also welcome to talk about Niels with both the study advisor and the student psychologist later in the year.

This week we will all take a moment to remember Niels. Therefore, all activities of Inter-Actief this week will be cancelled. This concerns the lunch lecture of Xsens, SNiC On Tour, the Study Trip Fuente interest lunch and the Low Latency Workshop by Optiver.

On behalf of the board, Kevin, Reinier, Gerrit-Willem, Denise, Patrick and Danique

07 Oct Mon
IBC committee 2020 has been formed! »

The IBC committee for 2020 has been formed!

The committee consists of the following members:

  • Niels de Groot - Chairman
  • Jelle Maas - Secretary \ Promotion
  • Magdali Go - Treasurer
  • Sven Mol - Logistics
  • Jelle van den Wijngaard - Excursions
  • Bilge Tekes - Excursions


13 Sep Fri
Looking for Open Days & Student for a Day Mentors! »

Do you want to help high school students in choosing the right study? Then we are looking for you! https://www.ictsv.nl/sfad

We are currently looking for new first year students who want to join the Open Days team, the Student for a Day team, or both!

What do you do as a member of the Open Days team?:

  • Help during both the Open Days twice a year
  • Talk to students, telling them about your own experience at the UT
  • Help with the workshops
  • Show your own projects during the project market
  • Have a lot of fun with the entire team!

What do you do as a member of the Student for a Day team?

  • Help high school students choosing the right study
  • Let high school students become familiar with the UT
  • Make an appointment with the student and keep in touch with them through the system
  • During the day show as much as possible: lecture, practical, campus tour, study adviser, lunch, study association etc.
  • For international students: you will have "Skype Buddy Chats"

What does the University offer you? Open Days (possibility to work for the whole duration of your study)

  • Earn 8-15 hours per Open Days

Student for a Day (first year students)

  • Earn +/- €30,- per high school student
  • Earn +/- €10,- follow-up conversation per student

Interested in one or both? Please fill in the Google Form including a motivation and your CV before the 27th of September!

Google Form: https://www.ictsv.nl/sfad

05 Sep Thu
The 41st board of I.C.T.S.V. Inter-Actief »

The 41st board of I.C.T.S.V. has been appointed!

At the GMM of 3 September 2019, the 40th board made way for its successors. The 41st board has been charged as follows:

  • Chairman - Kevin Witlox
  • Secretary - Reinier Stribos
  • Treasurer - Gerrit-Willem Smit
  • Officer of internal affairs - Denise den Hartog
  • Officer of external affairs - Patrick van Oerle
  • Officer of educational affairs - Danique Lummen

Board 41

20 Aug Tue
Educational Bouquet - Klaas Sikkel »

Klaas is going to retire and as appreciation for his years of effort, he received the educational bouquet (and more...)

Unfortunatly, Klaas Sikkel is saying goodbye to enjoy his retirement. Klaas was responsible for the course Software Design in the Software Systems module and the module coordinator of the module Data & Information. Klaas was loved by loved by many students due to his enthousiasm, thoughtfulness, openness, and punctuality regard e-mail traffic. Because a single bouquet just isn't enough to cover the appreciation of all students, the Education Committee made a book available in which every student could write words of appreciation individually. The book and bouquet were handed over on the 5th of July at the Fat Friends of Grolsch Levend VI.

Klaas Sikkel receives the educational bouquet Klaas Sikkel receives the book

05 Jul Fri
Vote for your favourite ideas! »


We want your input!

We received many replies on the survey asking for ideas on what to do with the Quality Agreements Money. Thanks! We combined similar ideas and removed all duplicates. To get a better idea of what student find important, you can check all your favourite ideas in this form. Ideas with the most votes indicates where the faculty should focus on in the coming year(s)!


01 Jul Mon
Looking for: pedellen! »

Do you want to be a pedel during the constitution drink of the 41st board of I.C.T.S.V. Inter-Actief?

On the 3rd of September the candidate board will most likely be charged as the 41th board of I.C.T.S.V. Inter-Actief. In case this happens it is worth a party, so we will celebrate it with an amazing constitution drink. The fresh board should of course be protected during this drink. Are you interested in becoming a pedel?

Sign up at https://ictsv.nl/pedellen41

24 Jun Mon
Do you know about the Quality Agreements? »


A while back, the Dutch study grant was replaced by a loan. It was decided that all money that became available due to the disappearance of the study grant has to be spend on education. The programme wants to actively involve students for input and asked Inter-Actief for help!

Based on last year’s input three examples of points of focus for coming years are: improve climate control of the Educafé, more rooms in EEMCS buildings for small project groups, expanding lecture recording facilities including metadata and editing.

In this survey, you can write down as many ideas as you can on how to improve the quality of your education. For example, more power sockets or better TA training. Once a decent amount of feedback has been gathered, there will be a second survey where you can vote on your favourite suggestions!

The survey can be found on the following URL: https://ictsv.nl/QA-survey

07 Jun Fri
Changed opening hours June 14th »

Due to our Active Members Weekend, the Inter-Actief room will be closed on Friday June 14th.

Starting Monday, June 17th, the room will be open again from 9:00 till 16:00 in accordance with our normal opening hours.

04 Jun Tue
Looking for: BITOC student member »

For immediate fulfilment.

The BITOC, the programme committee for the Business & IT and Business Information Technology programmes, has opened a vacancy regarding the role of a student member for immediate fulfillment.

As a student member, you work cooperatively with programme management on management issues of the educational programmes. This includes, but is not limited to giving advice and approval to the annual examination regulations, providing input for the design of the educational curricula, and monitoring the general state of affairs within the programmes. Since a master student is leaving us, the preferred candidate would be in their early stages of the masters programme of BIT. However, bachelor students are welcomed to apply as well.

Please contact the BITOC student members at bitoc-students@lists.utwente.nl if you are interested in this vacancy.

Kind regards,

On behalf of the entire BITOC,

Laurence Arnold
Bernard Verheijen
Nikki Zandbergen

03 Jun Mon
Changed opening hours Pentecost »

Due to Pentecost, the Inter-Actief room will not maintain regular opening hours on Monday June 10th.

Starting Tuesday, June 11th, the room will be open again from 9:00 till 16:00 in accordance with our normal opening hours.

02 Jun Sun
The new Study Tour Committee has been formed! »

They will organise the study tour for 2020.

These five people will organise the study tour in the following positions:

  • Chairman: Julik Keijer

  • Treasurer: Luc Jansen

  • Research Coordinator: Darrell Tufto

  • Travel Coordinator: Jens van der Meer

  • External Affairs: Sieta de Jong

F.l.t.r. Jens, Luc, Julik, Darrell, Sieta

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