12 Mar Fri
Inter-Actief celebrates its 8th lustrum! »

On March 12th, 1981, Inter-Actief was founded, and so, today, we celebrate the 8th lustrum of our association!

The Lustrum committee has worked towards this day for some time now, and has prepared some nice festivities for you to take part in, even during these weird corona times.

Of course, the birthday boy or girl hands out treats. So, this morning, you can send in your name and address at https://ictsv.nl/secret and a LuCie member might drop by to drop of a present! Furthermore, this afternoon we would like to gather on Discord to toast to the Lustrum together at 4 o’clock. Make sure to be online a bit before 16:00 as our toast will be live at 16:00 at https://ictsv.nl/lustrumsalute!

Lastly, tonight, we organize the Thales Mixelate Workshop. After the success of the previous online cocktail workshop a lot of people requested another one, so we have arranged for our master mixer and bartender Prem to guide you through the workshop tonight. Make sure you check whether all ingredients have been provided to you beforehand, and if not, send us an email at info@lustrumpixelate.nl. The workshop starts at 20:00 and a link to the stream will be provided tonight!

Congrats on the Lustrum and we hope you have a great day!

08 Mar Mon
Looking for mentors! »

The faculty is looking for students who want to help in getting freshmen through this socially though year.

This year has shown to be exceptionally tough on the social life of many students. The faculty is looking for students who are willing to help freshmen by making sure they’re okay and listen to their troubles.

As part of this job, you will join a committee from the faculty which organizes events for freshmen and will mentor them in one-on-one talks. As part of this committee, you will get a monetary compensation for your time.

We are looking for 2nd year, or older students, who are good at communication, have some organizational skills, and can take initiative. In this committee you will be working closely with the study advisors.

Are you a student who wants to help freshmen get through these socially tough times? Contact us via contact@inter-actief.net

26 Feb Fri
Kick-IT 2021 formed »

The Kick-IT committee for 2021 has been formed. Together, they will organise the faculty part of the Kick-In.

The function division is as follows:

Pim Mulder - Chairman

David Vos - Secretary & treasurer

Tessa van Leeuwen - Logistics

Duru Kocak - Do-group market & activities

Wander Stribos - Integration & activities

Mihnea Udrea - Bachelor days & activists

De Kick-IT commissie

From top to bottom, left to right: Pim, David, Wander, Michnea, Tessa, Duru, Lars

25 Feb Thu
Inter-Actief Decentralized Educational Awards »

Vote now for the lecturer you think deserves who you think deserves to win the Inter-Actief Decentralized Educational Award!

IDEA Awards

You might already know that in every module we have an educational bouquet. However, this is not the only award we give out. Every year we also have the Inter-Actief Decentralized Educational Award, IDEA for short. This award is independent of the modules and instead is aimed specifically at the lecturers overall.

After the nominations are in, we will have a second round with the top 3 most nominated professors. The winner of the second round will also be nominated for the university-wide educational award. For this we need your help, if you know of a lecturer that deserves such an award, you can fill out the form below to nominate them.

Form link: https://forms.gle/j4YWrJBZbhi6uEft6

19 Feb Fri
Not 1 but 2 Educational Bouquets »

There are two winners of the educational bouquet of module 2: Dr. Wallace Ugulino, and Dr. Kevin Macnish.

Module 2 has ended, and you have voted en masse for the teachers you thought deserved the educational bouquet. This time, there is not one, but two winners of the educational bouquet: Dr. Wallace Ugulino for BIT module 2, and Dr. Kevin Macnish for his Computer Ethics master course.

Students have indicated that both teachers worked really well with online teaching and kept in contact with the students to help them where needed.

De educational bouCAKE for dr. Ugulino

02 Feb Tue
National Student Survey »

The National Student Survey is open again this year! Fill in your experiences about your study and help the university maintain the quality of our studies!

Through the National Student Survey you can share your opinions about your programme and the university. With your help, the university can maintain and improve the quality of education and the university in general. So take your chance to shape our university and fill in your answers here! Who knows, you might win one of the nice prizes.

19 Jan Tue
Educational bouquet - Dr. Dertien »

On the 19th of January dr. Dertien has been awarded the first educational bouCAKE!

This year our first educational bouquet (or actually educational bouCAKE) has been awarded to dr. Edwin Dertien. Dr. Dertien has been nominated the most for the educational bouquet of the first quartile. The students have his lectures have been very clear, well edited and of high quality. Keep up the good work!

Unfortunately we were not able to hand over the bouquet in person, but the Education Committee has come up with a nice alternative!

The educational bouCAKE for dr. Dertien

Do you know someone who is extremely committed to improve the quality of education or is always willing to help students without hesitation? Then, what are you waiting for? Nominate him or her for the education bouquet! Think for example of a teacher who gives extra lectures or a student assistent who is making hours in overtime to help each and everyone of you! You can nominate someone by going to this page.

Overview of awarded bouquets

18 Jan Mon
Module 7 looking for TAs [Positions Filled] »

Module 7 will start on February 1, and the module coordinator are looking for TA’s to help with Python and the Graph Isomorphism Project.

UPDATE: Thank you for your help! There are now enough TAs found for the module, you do not have to contact Ruben anymore.

If you are interested in being a TA for this module, you can send a mail to Ruben Hoeksema at r.p.hoeksma@utwente.nl. Please indicate your suitability (e.g. Python experience and/or good grades for Module 7) and availability.

The module coordinators are looking for TAs for the following dates: Python: Feb 4, 5, 10 and 11: 6+7, 8+9, Feb 16: 3+4 Project: Feb 17, Mar 4, 10, 17, 24, 31, Apr 7, 12: 6+7, Apr 13: 1-4

04 Jan Mon
Committee for Education Evaluation Panels »

The OEC has organized panel meetings to assess the quality of education. As the main language for BIT and TCS is changed to English the OEC is renamed into CEEP.

OEC is now CEEP!

For over 20 years, the OEC has organized panel meetings to assess the quality of education and gather feedback from students. A few years ago, the educational programmes Business & IT and Technical Computer Science switched their main language to English. Up until now, the OEC had continued under the same name as ever, though more and more using their abbreviation as a nickname, slowly moving away from the Dutch name Onderwijsevaluatiecommissie.

At some point, we decided that this name was not up to date anymore and an English one should be chosen. This is why we hereby introduce you to the new OEC, the CEEP (Committee for Education Evaluation Panels). Structurally, not much has changed, but where you previously saw OEC we will now use CEEP in all our correspondence. Also, our website-URL has been updated to utwente.nl/ceep-cs-bit and we will happily receive emails from you at ceep-cs-bit@utwente.nl. For now, the old addresses should also remain active, but they will probably be phased out at some point, and to prevent confusion we will clarify in the first public announcements that the CEEP is formerly known as the OEC.

We hope to see you soon at one of our panel evaluations!

Best regards, Niels de Groot Secretary CEEP

17 Dec Thu
Q&A session for the TCS programme »

Wednesday the 6th of January a Question & Answer session will take place for the TCS students, the programme director and the programme management will answer your question.

During this Question & Answer session the programme staff will answer the questions you have about your the consequences of Corona or the TCS programme in general. To prepare for this Q&A we ask you to send any questions you already have beforehand to education@inter-actief.net or put them in our Discord. This helps the programme staff prepare for this session, and answer your questions as best as possible. If you think of any questions during the session you are free to ask them there live.

So save the date: Wednesday the 6th of January, at 19:30.

30 Nov Mon
Give your input on exams and evening lectures! »

The University is looking at ways to reduce group sizes during exams, however this comes with some caveats. Give your opinion on the matter!

The Executive Board has looked into the possibilities for reducing the group size during exams, but as a result concluded that this might affect the amount of evening lectures and exams that have to be scheduled per week. A discussion will soon be held on this topic in the University Council and we would like to know the opinion of the students on this topic.

So share your opinions through this form to help the university decide on what actions to take!

05 Nov Thu
Inter-Actief room temporarily closed »

Because of the new Corona measures the Inter-Actief room is currently closed.

As a result, we are not physically reachable for our members. However, we can still be reached via email (contact@inter-actief.net) and via our Discord server. If you prefer calling, please first reach out to us via either one of the other channels, mentioning your phone number. We will then get you in contact with the appropriate board member.

Once the restrictions are loosened, we will reconsider opening the Inter-Actief room. Until then: stay safe!

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