21 Oct Thu
Become a Student For A Day Mentor! »

The University of Twente is looking for new first-year students who would like to become a Student for a Day mentor!

Hi everyone!

The University of Twente is looking for new first-year students who would like to become a Student for a Day mentor! The Student for a Day program is a program that allows high school students to join a first-year student for one day at university to learn more about the studies, city, and the UT itself to make the right choice of study.

Your job would be..
• ..to contact your student, plan a date, and keep in touch through the system
• ..to show as much as possible on the day itself: lecture, practical, campus tour, study advisor and you will have lunch together
• ..to have skype calls (Skype Buddy Chat) with international students who cannot visit the university and create an online student for a day experience. If they do want to visit the university, you can offer them a campus tour
• ..to have a Follow-Up conversation via Whatsapp a few weeks afterward to ask the students about their experience

What does the university offer you?
You get paid on university scale and the different jobs get paid a different amount of hours.
• 2.5 hours for a Student For a Day
• 2.5 hours for a Skype Call (and an additional 1 hour for a campus tour)
• 1 hour for a Follow up (to improve the Student For a Day program)

How can you apply?
You can apply via a google doc form for the student for a day program in which you can include general information about yourself and your motivation: https://forms.gle/wbMfgjHxJbXy8nN59.

If you think you are suited for this job, please fill in the google doc form including your CV AT LATEST on the 27th of October.
If you have any questions regarding the job offer, please send me an e-mail: f.m.rademaker@student.utwente.nl.

Best regards, Floor Rademaker (SfaD coordinator AM, BIT, TCS)

21 Sep Tue
Tim Kemp wins the ENIAC Thesis Award 2019 – 2020! »

On September 12, 2021 Tim Kemp has received the ENIAC Thesis Award 2019-2020 for his thesis.

His thesis is titled: “An algorithmic approach to a conjecture of Chvátal on toughness and hamiltonicity of graphs”. A delegation of the ENIAC board visited Tim at home to hand over the big cheque (worth €500,-) and the physical trophy.

Tim Kemp with his Thesis Award

The jury consisted of Meike Nauta (winner 2018-2019), Rom Langerak (FMT) and Pieter-Tjerk de Boer (DACS, winner Inter-Actief Decentralised Educational Awards 2019-2020 (IDEA)). They scored all nominated theses on a number of criteria:

  • Scientific approach
  • Practical approach (“engineering approach”)
  • Difficulty of research
  • Readability and usability of thesis to specialists and computer scientists in general
  • Benefits of research / development for greater good

The jury had the following to say:

The jury had the pleasure to consider and discuss three excellent master theses. All addressing relevant topics, though very different in nature, showing how broad and diverse computer science and its related field Business&IT can be. The jury was genuinely impressed by the quality of the nominations. After assessing the theses on scientific approach, practical approach, level of difficulty, readability and relevance of research, the jury unanimously selected Tim Kemp as the winner of the ENIAC thesis award 2019-2020!

The title of the thesis, “An algorithmic approach to a conjecture of Chvátal on toughness and hamiltonicity of graphs”, might sound complex and difficult, but Tim managed to introduce and explain the mathematical jargon in an accessible way with clear examples and figures. He took up a complex and highly theoretical topic, and combined it with a novel algorithmic approach and evolutionary algorithms. He therefore used computer science in an original way. His approach was thorough, systematic and methodologically sound. He also critically reflected upon his own approach and suggested various promising directions for future work.

Tim developed three efficient pieces of software, which were used to validate known solutions from literature, but have also led to new theoretical insights. His thesis showed that the research to find a specific type of graph by hand “does not have to be continued”. This is a perfect example of the relevance of computer science when tasks get too complicated to do by hand and head. As his supervisor summarizes it: “The new approach developed by Tim can in principle lead to new breakthroughs and have potentially high impact in the Graph Theory community.

Congratulations Tim!

Tim was nominated by the FMT group. Besides Tim, the other nominees were:

  • Valentine Legoy (SCS) – Retrieving ATT&CK tactics and techniques in cyber threat reports
  • Dico Defize (BIT) – Developing a Maturity Model for AI-Augmented Data Management We would like to thank the departments for the nominations and the jury for reading and grading the theses. We wish all nominees the best of luck with their future careers!

Original message: https://eniacalumni.wordpress.com/2021/09/14/tim-kemp-wins-the-eniac-thesis-award-2019-2020/

08 Sep Wed
The 43rd board of I.C.T.S.V. Inter-Actief »

The 43rd board of I.C.T.S.V. has been appointed!

At the GMM of 7 September 2021, the 42nd board made way for its successors. The 43rd board has been charged as follows:

  • Chairman - Bart Leenheer
  • Secretary - Wouter Suidgeest
  • Treasurer - Wesley Joosten
  • Officer of Internal Affairs - Bram van Dartel
  • Officer of External Affairs - Michael Janssen
  • Officer of Educatonal Affairs - Rosan Maas

Board 43 From left to right: Rosan, Bram, Wouter, Bart, Wesley, Michael

24 Jul Sat
Looking for: pedellen! »

Do you want to be a 'pedel', guard, during the constitution drink of the 43rd board of I.C.T.S.V. Inter-Actief?

On the 7th of September the candidate board will most likely be charged as the 43rd board of I.C.T.S.V. Inter-Actief. In case this happens it is worth a party, so we will celebrate it with an amazing constitution drink on the 19th of October. The fresh board should of course be protected by 'pedellen', guards, during this drink. Are you interested in becoming a pedel?

Sign up via this form.

29 Jun Tue
Educafé has reopened »

As of yesterday, the Educafé has reopened for studying. You can now work again on your final exercises in the Zilverling.

Due to the 1.5m regulations, the capacity is still lower than usual, but there is plenty of space to work on the final bits of your study.

21 Jun Mon
Looking for Programme committee student members! »

The Programme Committee for Computer Science is looking for new student members.

If you would like to have a say in how Computer Science at this university changes, this is the right committee for you.

We meet monthly to discuss and decide on how to improve the CS curriculum, inspect the feedback given by the students about the modules/courses and encourage module coordinators/lecturers to reflect on the modules/courses in order to improve them every year. Any large modifications are brought to us and we do our best to inspect and improve them. The committee consists of teachers, students and other programme staff. To find out more visit www.utwente.nl/en/tcs/organisation/programme-committee/.

If you are a computer science student (bachelor or master) and this sounds like something for you please send an email to Sander Bakkum (s.bakkum@student.utwente.nl) before the 28th of June. Please include some information about you and any previous experience (if applicable) that might be relevant for the PC-CS.

09 Jun Wed
The new Symposium Committee! »

Today the new Symposium Committee has been formed! We proudly present the 6 members who will organise next year's Symposium!

  • Mariska Frelier - Chairwoman
  • Hyeon Kyeong Kim - Secretary & Website
  • Niels Rotmensen - Treasurer
  • Oliver Davies - Speakers & Promotion
  • Koen de Jong - External Affairs
  • Quirijn Hoenink - Logistics

SymCie 2022

08 Jun Tue
The new Study Tour Committee! »

The new Study Tour Committee has been formed!

Six heroes will organize the next study tour in 2022. The function division is as follows:

  • Chairman - Steven Tazelaar
  • Secretary - Victor Dibbets
  • Treasurer - Martijn Sikking
  • Research coordinator - Sven Mol
  • Travel coordinator - Niek Pennings
  • External affairs - Jelle Maas

StuCie 2022

31 May Mon
UT elections »

As of today you can vote in the faculty and university council elections. You can cast your vote at https://utwente.nl/vuur until Friday the 4th at noon.

Several Inter-Actief members are eligible. For the faculty council, Wesley Joosten, Laurens Lafranca, Frank van Mourik, Rik Smale and Jelle Maas can be elected for list EEMCS United.

For the university council Dirk Koelewijn (CS, DAS) and Kevin Witlox (CS, UReka) can be elected.

So Vote @ utwente.nl/vuur

25 May Tue
New CS Programme Director »

You might have heard that Arend Rensink was going to move on to another function within our faculty, leaving the position of programme director. Vadim Zaytsev has taken over.

Vadim has been working closely with with Arend, and probably will continue to do so, over the past weeks to get a hang of how things work. And as of recently he has officially taken over from Arend in the role of Programme Director. There will also be an announcement about this from the programme themself in the future, but for now we have the pleasure to share the news with you!

While we will miss Arend and our close connection, we are excited to work with Vadim to maintain and improve our study programme! And do not worry: Arend will go on further within our faculty to work on our policies and education. He has assured us we might still see him at some of our activities or drinks.

21 May Fri
Inter-Actief survey »

For Inter-Actief, we would like to know more about our members, what you like about the association and how we can accomodate our members better.

To that end, we have created a survey to see what aspects of Inter-Actief you like, and what you think could improve. This survey helps us to improve the association for everyone.

Filling in the survey will not take more than 5 minutes, and it is not just for members of Inter-Actief. If you are not a member, we still value your opinion on why you are not a member (anymore).

You can find the survey at https://ictsv.nl/IAsurvey.

17 May Mon
Mentor Recruitment Kick-In 2021 »

Are you interested in participating in the Kick-In this summer to introduce a group of new Master students to the University of Twente? Sign up via the Kick-In website.

Dear Master Students,

Are you interested in participating in the Kick-In this summer to introduce a group of new Master students to the University of Twente? Then share your experiences and become a mentor for the Master Kick-In! Becoming a mentor is more important than ever, so sign up via the Kick-In website and take part in this unforgettable Kick-In!

The Master Kick-In 2021 will take place from the 29 th of August until the 2 nd of September, so just before the new academic year starts. In this unique, mostly physical programme, the new students get to know everything about the student life in Enschede. As a mentor, you will guide a group of Master students together with a fellow mentor through this exciting period. It is the task of the mentor to keep the group together, to provide information about studying at the UT, and to ‘take’ the students to the fun the Kick-In has to offer!

Being a mentor, you can participate in the Kick-In activities for free and you will have to opportunity to share your experiences with a new group of students, who may become best friends after the Kick-In. You can find more information and sign up via the following link: https://www.kick-in.nl/en/article/27.

We’re looking forward to your participation!
Best regards,
The Kick-In Committee 2021

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